3 Stupid SEO Ideas You Should Avoid
There are lots of great techniques in the world of search engine optimization (SEO) and more are created every day. However, there are also some really stupid techniques that people seem to think will get them great results when in fact they will only generate ire from others and may very well get them delisted from the major search engines. Other techniques for SEO are simply a waste of money, but they are at least not going to hurt you in the long run. Here are three that are either a waste or downright dangerous for you as a professional website owner:
Paying to Be Listed in Hundreds of Search Engines
“Pay just $99 and we’ll make sure you’re listed in 400 different search engines!” This is such a common offer that virtually anyone who searches for enough SEO ideas will come across numerous sites that will offer this as a “great” way to do SEO. Now mind you, there’s nothing wrong with this per se. It’s great to be listed in hundreds of different search engines. The thing is, there’s no need to pay for it. Here’s why:
1. 95 % of search is dominated by just three providers. You know who Google, Bing and Yahoo! are? Congratulations. You now have 95% of the search engine market. All it will take is a few minutes of your time to fill out some forms and you’ll be listed on those sites (or just get links on other sites – the crawlers will find you soon enough).
2. Most other search engines aggregate the big guys. Even if you did want to get into the other 5% of search engines, you still don’t need to pay for it. Just get into the big guys and the others will follow shortly since they tend to crawl the big guys for new links.
Hiring Non English Speakers to Write Content for Your Blog and Or Comment on Other Blogs
It sure can be tempting to hire someone from a third world country to write a 500 word article for you about the best dog food to put onto your web site about dogs and pay them just $1 for the privilege. The thing is, if the person’s English isn’t perfect (and even when it is, the English is often quite stilted), then you are wasting your money and giving yourself a poor reputation. Not to mention that many people who write these $1 articles will mash together material from existing articles rather than writing from scratch, causing Google to flag you for duplicate content.
No matter how many times you reconfigure your spam filter, you always end up with more spam clogging your inbox. In fact, it’s estimated that something like 90% of the world’s e-mail traffic today is spam. The trouble is, even if you do manage to get a handful of sales from your spam campaign, you’ll also arouse the ire of 99.99999999% of potential customers who find it annoying and, in many states, you can be sued for propagating unwanted spam to a person’s e-mail box. The same goes for spamming blogs and forums with worthless comments, and spamming articles by repeatedly using keywords.
Couldn’t agree more with your comment on spamming blogs and forums. It is the bain of my life removing all blog comments that say “This is great article, I learnt a lot, keep it up” and putting them into the Trash / Spam filter. I’ve yet to see a managed blog where these comments are allowed to remain seen – a complete waste of time and money, except for the companies offering the service, they are the only winners