Paid Links Can (And Will) Get You Killed!
There seems to be a lot of discussion on getting paid links for higher rankings. Before we go more deeply into the topic, here are some features of paid links:
1. They are costly and at times can be placed at locations where you would ideally not want them to be.
2. You normally cannot tell when they will be removed or replaced.
3. Search engines frown on them, and if you get caught, you can be penalized.
4. But if you do not get caught and you have the money, they can make you gain rankings quickly.
Paid links can be found everywhere on the internet and most links on PR 6+ page range from $300 – $425!
Many webmasters are tempted into buying the links from brokers because of the positive light they portray the links in. Yes, they do work, but they have their disadvantages as well.
We beleive that there are cheaper and more effective alternatives to paid links. You should consider submitting your website to article directories, social bookmarking websites and press release websites. They will really help you boost your rankings at the fraction of the cost.
If you do want to go for paid links, make sure they are placed in a manner which makes it difficult for search engines to track. For example, a paid link using a VARIED version of your keywords would help you from getting penalized. Also, stay away from established paid link blokers, which can be EASILY tracked by search engines.
Google already has mentioned that paid links are frowned upon. Search engines are increasingly getting more intelligent and SEO measures should be taken with precaution.