How to Use to Build Backlinks
Backlinks are the lifeblood of SEO and can help you get them. This system is (as far as I know), exclusive to this blog for now (If I ever start my own blog about blogging I’ll probably discuss it there as well) since I created it myself. This is a way to build as many as 30 backlinks to your blog or website each and every time you post an update.
What is
Okay, let’s start with the basics here. is a site which allows you to automatically update a large number of social networks and bookmarking sites all at one time. Some of the more popular ones are Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Buzz, Plurk, MySpace, WordPress and Blogger. There are actually around 30 networks in total that they support.
Now before you go rushing off to sign up for, stick around for a bit as there are a few additional things you should know.
Different Types of Sites supports a large number of types of sites. These include everything from micro blogging services like Twitter and Plurk to standard blogging services such as Blogger and They do this by offering you three options for the kind of material that goes out to each of these places.
You can choose “micro blogs,” “status updates” and “blogs.” Each one posts something different, though I’m not really clear why there is a difference between micro blogs and status updates, except for the fact that you may want to actually choose updates or statuses
I.e. you may want to post an update to your facebook account saying that you’re excited because it’s your anniversary, but you don’t want that being published on Twitter, where you tweet only for your professional audience.
For our purposes, you can just stick with status updates and blogs.
Now, the cool thing with is that you can group your services into various sections. You can create a group called “microblogs” for example and add in Twitter, Plurk, Facebook status updates, Jaiku, etc. Another group which might be called “blogs” could include Facebook notes, Blogger, and Tumblr.
Creating groups lets you choose what kind of content each one gets. This is very important as I’ll explain in a moment when I offer you my twist on using for maximum backlink advantage.
I actually use four of them in order to customize my content depending on where it’s going.
How I Came Up With This Idea
I had been looking at a WordPress plugin called WP Syndicator which sends out an excerpt from your blog every time you post to around 10 networks or so. The thing is, the price seemed expensive to me (I ended up getting a copy anyway when it went on sale and I’ll explain why later in this post) so I went looking for a free alternative.
There are two services that do something similar – one is and the other is HelloTXT. I had looked for a plugin that would work with one or the other and came across a plugin originally written for but which had been ported to HelloTXT when changed their system and the plugin was broken.
Sadly, it turned out that the HelloTXT plugin didn’t work properly either and, to make matters worse, HelloTXT itself seems to be really buggy and I had tweets and posts that never went out from there. So, I ended up using However, I decided to try something different than what WP Syndicator does.
The Easy Way to Extra Backlinks
Okay, basically, what WP Syndicator did for me was to let me send out a post to around 10 or 12 assorted services and then to include a link back to my blog. The post would be an excerpt from my blog post.
Now, if you want to do something similar with, you can do this very easily by a simple copy and paste. Just copy your title and the first 50-100 words of your post, add in “Read more here” and then append your URL. The whole process can be done in around 20 seconds flat when you post a blog post. I don’t do that.
My Twist
What I do is to spend an extra 2-3 minutes and write a blurb which is around 50-60 words of unique content which explains what my post is about. Then, I append the “Read more here” and the link.
The reason I do this is twofold:
First, when people actually see that blurb, it’s a complete, self contained blurb which doesn’t cut off mid sentence or mid thought. It’s an ad for my blog post which entices people to want to read more.
Second, Google doesn’t particularly like to index duplicate content. I’m after backlinks and as such, I want Google to see my social network blurbs as unique content rather than just an excerpt of my blog.
If I was really ambitious, I’d create multiple groups and send out spun versions of my blurb for maximum backlink value, however I feel as if that’s already too much effort.
Additional Set Up (Unique to Me, But I Think It Works Best)
I do however differentiate between the micro blogging services and the blog services so that the micro blogs get the title with perhaps a few words more and short link while the blogs get the full blurb.
I also have two additional groups, one just for Facebook so that I can send the blurb out without a title (it looks better in the status updates) and another for “tweets” which sends to Facebook as well. I have another called “tweetblog” which send to every other micro blogging service except Facebook so I can send out a blog note to the tweetblog group and a tweet to the tweets group and of course, I have one just for blog posts to places like, Blogger, Tumblr, etc..
Extra Cool Features
A final note about using to build backlinks for yourself: there are some extra cool features you should be aware of which are poorly documented. First, you can specify a title to be used for blogging services. For non blogging services, the title will simply appear first within the text. The way you to do is to add a ^ to the end of your title.
Another feature I love is the ability to selectively add hashtags to your posts. I tweet regularly and have my tweets also appear on my Facebook page and other services which don’t recognize hashtags. By appending your posts with @t and then listing your hashtags, will put up hashtags on Twitter but not elsewhere. This makes for a cleaner look when sending such material.
Finally, within the site, you can also set it to automatically shorten URLs for you using one of several services (I don’t do this – I use my own so that it’s unique to me and I know my short URLs won’t go anywhere if our go belly up as TinyURL did).
Automation Option
For those who are truly lazy and don’t want to be bothered with visiting the website to post an excerpt to your blog post, you can use to send out such posts automatically using your RSS feed. The catch of course is that it just posts whatever is in the feed so you lose out on the cool features above.
Finally, for those who would like to use to schedule when their tweets and comments about their blog appear (I often write blog posts in the middle of the night since it’s quiet, but I want the notice about it to appear midday the next day so that more people will see it), you can use another free service called Hoot Suite to schedule your updates.
WP Syndicator
Now, I don’t want you to get the wrong idea about WP Syndicator. I think it’s an awesome plugin because it automates this more than anything else. Plus, it offers some additional services which doesn’t support such as Xanga, so, when it went on sale a week or two ago, I bought a copy and use that as well as my system for maximum backlinking potential.
ahan nice post and it has helped me a lot, thanks you yasir for sharing some thing really useful =)
I’m glad you found it helpful. Please be sure to keep coming back for more great tips.
Thank you. I have been using your * trick on for a couple of weeks and it works great!
Hello Yasir, my website in wordpress does not allow pings. How can I change that to allow globally? I do not want to check the box on every article as it is time consuming. Thank you.
Go into your admin panel and click Options. Then choose Discussion. Place a check next to “Allow link notifications from other Weblogs (pingbacks and trackbacks.)”
I’m so glad you liked it. I rely on that trick all the time and it’s absolutely a great time saver.
I recommend because is the only Web service which offers a completely automatic ping service for Blogger
Helpful if you use Blogger I suppose. I personally am a WordPress man. Though in any case, I’m not sure if that service offers all the advantages of
great blog. Glad that I came across this. Thank you very much.
Thank you. What did you like specifically about it?
Thanks for this information! Tumblr has a huge potential for backlinks.
You wished to be an astronaut, but you are a master at what you do, flying through cyberspace; thank you from a noob. Your info is so very useful.
Very informative blog, thank uoy very much! I’m impressed, happy to find it!!
Glad we could be of help. Please feel free to drop by any time. And if you have questions about how to use for backlinks, let me know.
I personally haven’t used Tumblr much. I prefer some of the other blogging services. However, the nice thing about is that you can use all of them.
I’m glad you liked it Kimberly. Could I ask what specifically you found useful though?
Great Post. Ive just started learning about Ping fm and knew that you could use it for seo. This brings it all together. Will definately be reading your other posts if this is an indication of what they are like. Thanks
Yeah, it’s one of my all time favorite websites and it’s truly a very useful one. The fact that my suggestions are unique makes it all the more valuable. Don’t forget to sign up for Hoot Suite also.
Great Article. It was very informative to me. I’m really glad I found this site. Will be back. Keep these great articles coming. Thanks
I’m glad you liked it, but could you please tell us what specifically you found so interesting about this method?
Interesting idea. I just launched a new blog, so hoping that this method works
It definitely does and it saves a ton of time. Just be sure to take the time to set it all up correctly so that everything meshes together smoothly.
This is a fantastic tip, thank you. I was going to post directly to Tumblr, but this makes a lot more sense. I’ve used for years but this is a new twist on the idea. Incidentally, is there any way to shorten that list of search terms up there – it makes it quite difficult to find the comments!
Yeah and the best part is that both and hoot suite are free, meaning that you really do get an awful lot of great functionality all for free.
Great post. I just signed up to and your post is dead on! Found you on google by the way. Quick question… Have you experimented with using multiple accounts for maximum linking? (Example- 3 profiles with 35 accounts each???)
I have not tried that idea, though I would be hesitant to do so unless you change up what you write for each one. Otherwise it quickly begins to look very spammy.
There are several different advice for actively playing although no one has hit on a good way. It is possible they don’t like to share it.
Sorry but I have no clue what it is you are talking about. Playing what?
I just signed up to and your post is dead on! Found you on google by the way.
I’m so glad you found it useful. It really is such a phenomenal site and the fact that it’s free is just remarkable.
Thanks for exposing me to I will pursue it further.
Yeah. It really is a great website and a massive timesaver. I’m surprised more people don’t use it.
Thanks a lot for this article. Now I feel like I understand a lot more about how to use Ping FM! Thanks!
Yeah, it’s one of my favorite sites and really is a massive time saver.
I’m glad I could help. Just remember that becomes even more powerful when you pair it with Hoot Suite (which is also free, so it’s a truly wonderful deal).
Hi there,
What plugin do you use for the sliding ‘Like’ ‘Tweet’ etc in the left side of this page??
I’m not sure what you’re talking about. Do you mean the pop up which lets you sign up for the mailing list or do you mean the social bookmarks plugin? Either way, they’re available from the WordPress plugins site but if you tell me specifically which one you were interested in, I can look it up for you (the sliding thing is confusing me).
What I really need is a simple Step 1. do this step 2 and so forth – I get lost in all the content trying to figure out what to do, but then I am 53 years old and still catching up.
Hi Lynn,
I understand how you feel. It can be confusing. Maybe I’ll redo this post with a more step by step guide. I’ll let you know if I do.
Great idea, was just researching and glad I found your post. I just been signing up to lots of web 2.0 sites trying to work out how to use them for a few links and seems like ping can be used to tie them together nicely and keep the spam down by using your grouping and content patterns. Cheers.
Glad you liked it. I’m considering working on a plugin that could automate this whole process…
This is great! I was scared of the term Social Media Marketing. Now at least I know where to start creating backlinks.
Glad we could help. Just remember that social marketing is still supposed to be social, so don’t just rely on automated links.
Using ping to boost backlink,This is really amazing.
Yeah, it’s one of my favorite ideas. I’m thinking about doing a plugin to automate the process…
I’m glad I found this resource. I have just created a website and want to learn new seo techniques. Thanks
Hi there – very new to all this – just a little query – if one is promoting a service that is a keyword phrase e.g. “flatstorentIpswich” would one open the account in this name and put some anchor text for the link after the “to read more” in the blog?
You don’t need an account on in that name. Just make sure to use the anchor text. That’s not to say you *can’t* use an account in that name. It’s just that it wouldn’t be the most important thing. You also of course do need a link back to the blog ;). I suggest using a URL shortener, especially with the services that do just 140 characters ala Twitter.
This is the seo tips i have been looking for my newly created blog. thank for sharing. bookmarked.
Glad you liked it. Remember by the way that they recently switched from Ping to a new system, but the basics should be the same.
I think these days link diversity is must when you creating backlinks to your site, Its hearts when you creating heavy load of backlinks directly to your site, so I thinks It is safe and more effective way is creating backlinks follow Link Pyramid or something similar strategy.
Look at this service, I recently used this :
am very happy with the result 🙂
I’m always a bit leery about Fiverr offers only because so many of them are pure junk. I will however take a look at what you suggested.
I have used many kinds of pinging site but when I checked my backlinks, it shows nothing . what would be the causes is not actually for pinging (it’s anyway been discontinued. They have been replaced with but pinging doesn’t instantly make all of your backlinks appear. All it does is to let certain sites know to check them out. Sometimes, even with that, the backlinks will never appear because Google’s system doesn’t consider them important enough to index. It does help in some cases though which is why it’s done.
Yes but unfortunately it has been moved to